7 Healthy Dating Tips for Young Adult | @dorcasbasseyblog
Falling in love makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, it makes you experience new sensations where your heart beats at a thousand per hour and your hands sweat like when you are going to be exposed in front of a large audience. However teenage courtship requires some responsibilities, there is always heartbreak and you must be emotionally well and fit to go into any relationship.
To help you have a healthy relationship, here are some tips to guide you.
Many first-timers in love experience a lot of emotions, be careful that jealousy is not the predominant one. Avoid being jealous of your previous partners and avoid making your partner jealous, better enjoy the moment. If you assume your partner is jealous, give him a little more affection. If she has friends, don't be jealous about it. You can irritate her and also show insecurity.
Give Yourselves Space
The first courtship is so pleasant that you always want to be with that special someone, so much so that sometimes you make the mistake of suffocating that person. If you that he or she will have an important exam very soon, you should give him or her space to study. Being attentive is realizing when your partner wants moments of solitude. Space and privacy are necessary for any healthy relationship. Walking away helps both of you get enough perspective to realize how much you miss each other.
Stop worrying too much and live one day at a time, just focus on making your partner happy and don't make plans for the future. Sometimes relationships indeed get longer, but in adolescence, it is common for things to end sooner or later. Love came into your life and you should be grateful for it. Time will tell if your relationship lasts long or short.
Good Manners
This is your chance to start practicing things that will serve you for the rest of your life. Young men must learn to be great gentlemen and young ladies must learn to respect. Both of you should learn matters of courtesy and respect each other. Be attentive, loving and very respectful.
Take Care Of Your Sexuality
You can decide to have or not to have sex. You must respect your decision and give yourself to respect. Your partner should accept your decision and not pressure you. Educate yourself about sexuality and try to take care of yourself too much. If you both decide to have sex, it is important that you take care of yourself and decide to have safe sex. If you both take care of each other, you will be further away from illnesses and unwanted pregnancies.
Do Not Give In To Group Pressure
Many of your friends will give you advice, but that does not mean that they are right in everything they tell you. If there is something that goes against the principles and values that have been instilled in you at home, it is best to ignore these arguments. Strengthen your self-esteem, knowing yourself will help you make decisions with greater clarity and you will be able to reject what is not correct.
Communicate Correctly
Practice honesty, learn to say nice things and express the things you don't like. You can use phrases like: "I would like you to ..." and also "No, thank you." Learn to suggest what pleases you and reject what you do not like, in courtship that person is not everything, you are also worth it. Love shouldn't make you sacrifice who you are.
Above all always take your sixth sense into account because to avoid losing your partner you might give in to do something you don't want, respect yourself and take care of yourself.
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